colloidal silver
While browsing on the net one day i came across variouse articles that talked about the vertues of colloidal silver & they also sa that it is easy to make , all you need is two silver electrodes & some distilled hot water & you can make it yourself, so i gave it a try & they were right it is easy & it works heres an article that explains the history and its uses.
Silver was used in Biblical times (Daniel) by the king of Persia who kept water stored safely in silver jars for long campaigns abroad. Similarly Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans stored water and fresh foods in silver containers to keep them from spoiling. Silver was a privilege of upper society. In the Middle Ages several devastating bubonic plagues wiped out whole villages and decimated Europe. But the aristocracy - dining with silverware and silver goblets - largely escaped the plagues unscathed. They were also widely known as the blue-bloods due to argyria from use of impure silver compounds from more primitive silversmithing of that era. Even from Roman times, the wealthy would put a silver spoon in children's mouths to ward off disease - hence the phrase "he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth". In early America, pioneers would put a silver dollar in milk to delay spoilage. In India even today you are often served food wrapped in silver foil both of which are eaten! Edible silver foil is a garnish available from Indian stores worldwide.
In 1881, Dr Carl Crede pioneered application of 2% silver nitrate in the eye of neonates to prevent blindness from maternal gonorrhea. By 1893 Von Naegeli showed many metals have a toxic effect even in minute amounts called an oligodynamic effect. We know some today as trace minerals (zinc).
Starting in 1928 Fleming was able to isolate penicillin by 1939 under a Rockefeller grant. IG Farben had just launched a similar product. A revised FDA Act came into effect in 1938. Silver nitrate and colloidal silver were the major anti-biotics prior to commercial quantities of penicillin around 1942. The electro colloidal version of silver was first made in 1924. It was very effective and safe but since it occurs naturally it was neither patentable nor profitable to the drug cartel. And it was more more expensive to make, so anti-biotics soon took over.
Burns are an enormous challenge to the body in terms of healing and immune function. In spite of modern anti-biotics many died of infections like Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. In 1965 Dr. Carl Moyer of Washington University explored 22 substances for a role in burn therapy. The best was silver as silver sulphadiazine (SSD) cream, and dressings containing elemental or ionized silver - applied to thick cotton gauze dressings to heal burns and grafted skin. Silver is now used in almost all critical burn units.
In the 1970s Dr Becker ran experiments at the Veterans Hospital. In his book Body Electric he writes. "Silver did more than kill disease-causing organisms. It promoted major growth of bone and accelerated the healing of injured tissues by over 50 cent."
Today the space programs of NASA, Europe and Russia all use silver to disinfect air and water, as do major airlines. In Nebraska in 1976 fifty gallons of municipal sewage water was pumped into a 20,000 gal swimming pool yielding a dangerous count of 7,000 E.Coli per 100 ml [half cup]. Using silver at only 3.2 parts/ billion the pool was entirely free of E coli within three hours (The Silver Institute Letter, May 1975). More recently there are related commercial ventures marketing silver impregnated band-aids (Elastoplast) and silver disinfecting clothes washers (Samsung).
Unlike animal cells, microbes do not respire, but extract oxygen from say, sulfates (SO4) with enzymes to reduce them to organic sulfhydryl groups (SH-). Silver ions (Ag+) look for dance partners of the opposite sex (-) and bind preferentially to sulfhydryl groups on the cell wall of all microbes. That disables them and creates an AgSH group for scavenging. Human cells do not have cell walls thus silver ions have no effect; it does not form compounds with human tissues.
So there you have it why not make it yourself if you need help just let me know & i will try to help.
Here is my basic solution to making your own Colloidal silver.
An old cordless drill battery charger & two silver wires.(if you you have trouble finding silver wire contact me) just fill up your clean coffee perculator with distilled or purified water and hang the two silver rods over the brim of the glass coffee jug where the coffee would normally end up in, the hot water in the jug stays hot enough for the system to work ending up with gold colloidal silver ,remeber to clean the electrodes frequently during this process.You can do this or you can buy a machine to do all that for you or buy the colloidal silver ready made from a reputable dealer.
Hope you have fun doing this and feel the benefits of colloidal silver.
Labels: colloidal, colloidalsilver, silver